Eticinco verifies the entire process of production and thanks to the latest technology we have, it guarantees the quality of the final product:
ETICINCO has in its facilities a design departament, where our clients can benefit from a direct contact and immediate response to questions and requests.
Who better than us to know what we need? In order to strengthen our quality and immediate response to our clients, ETICINCO includes in its facilities a Typesetting Departament and cliché engraving so the entire pre-printing process happens without external collaboration.
We have the very latest technology in flexographic printing machinery in order to get a high result, whatever the order may be.
We combine various laminated materials like: paper, polypropylene, polyester or polyethene. Having always the most innovative developments in our gluing machines.
Our machines are totally automated and they are in charge of the die cut and final cut. Making it the fastest way and with the highest quality possible.
ETICINCO has in this department qualified staff for the supervision in the confection and the final packaging in order to deliver the goods to the clients in the best possible conditions.
© Eticinco Dionisio García S.L.
Tel: (0034) 963 974 323 / Fax: (0034) 963 972 798 /